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PUBLISH your Angular App on Netlify Manually!

 There are so many options available on the internet when it comes to deploying your Angular app, but one of my recent favorites is Netlify.  Netlify offers you to deploy your app manually and also from GitHub. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to deploy your website on Netlify: Step 1: Build Your Project Go to your project directory and run the build command: ng build or ng build --configuration=production Step 2: Add Netlify Configuration Go to build/your-project-app/browser and add a file netlify.toml with the following configuration: [[redirects]] from="/*" to="/index.html" status=200 This file redirects all routes to your index.html file. Step 3: Deploy on Netlify Login or sign up to your Netlify account and click on "Add new site" then select "Deploy manually." Step 4: Upload Your Files Drag and drop the browser folder to Netlify. Victory!!! Your Angular App is deployed.
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