How to setup Microsoft sample-aoai-chatgpt-api locally in Vscode and run the frontend without Authentication?
In this tutorial we will learn to setup Microsoft sample-aoai-chatgpt-api and run the frontend without Authentication. Let's get started!
STEP 1:- Fork the repository
STEP 2 :- Navigate to the forked repository in your repositories. Click on code and then copy the url.
STEP 3:- Open the terminal. Navigate to the directory in your terminal where you want to clone this repository. Write the following command.
git clone <(your url)>
STEP 4:- Open the code in vscode and run command start.cmd or ./start.cmd to install backend packages.
STEP 5:- Go to frontend using command cd frontend and run npm install there to install all the packages.
STEP 6:- Navigate to src/state/AppProvider.js file and write the following code in initial state to run the app without authentication.
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